Checking the transmitter

Follow these steps to verify that your transmitter is working after uploading the software for the first time.

the Led is flashing the letter "P"this means that the EEPROM is not initialized
close the Mode switch to enter the Command mode
connect to the transmitter, then type INIT and press Enter to initialize the EEPROM; after a few seconds you should see: "EEPROM initialized"
reset the transmitter to restart with the default settings recorded in the EEPROM
the Led may be flashing the letter "T"this means that the Throttle security is activated
connect to the transmitter, then type THC=0 and press Enter to disable temporarily the Throtle security check, but you'll have to configure it later
reset the transmitter to restart without throttle check
the Led is flashing the letter "C"this means that the transmitter is in Command mode and there are no errors
open the Mode switch to exit the Command mode
the Led is flashing the number "1"this means that the transmitter is in Transmission mode with model #1 selected and there are no errors
Page last modified on October 23, 2014, at 01:28 pm
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