This software is released under the GNU General Public License Version 3.
- Install the Legacy version of the Arduino IDE (version 1.8.19 at the time of this writing)
If you are using an older version of the Arduinorc software:
- You must first save the settings of your transmitter before installing this new version
- Perform the installation as described below
- Initialize the EEPROM with the INIT command
- Finally, restore your settings.
Download the software:
- Open the project in GitHub
- Download the latest arduinorc archive: this file is named like "arduinorc_(version)_(release_date).tgz": arduinorc_2022-11-21T114424.tgz
Copy the software in your computer and upload it into your transmitter:
- Extract the files contained in this archive into your Documents directory: a new "arduinorc" directory will be added.
Windows users may use 7-Zip to unzip tgz archives. - Open the arduinorc directory and copy the arduinotx subdirectory into your Arduino Sketchbook directory
- If the receiver is on, turn it off now (read important Safety issue to learn why)
- Start the Arduino IDE
- Load the ArduinoRC project: File / Sketchbook / arduinotx
- Select the Nano board: Tools / Board / Arduino Nano
- Plug the USB cable into the Arduino. Warning: the FTDI FT232RL chip on the Nano works only if the board is being powered over USB. So, if you have connected a power source to your Nano +5V pin, you must turn it off before connecting the USB cable: open the SwMain switch.
- Check that the connection is listed in Tools / Serial Port: you should see the corresponding serial port name.
- Customize the software for your needs: edit the arduinotx_config.h file
- Compile and upload the software into the Arduino: File / Upload
- If this is the first time that you are uploading the software follow this procedure to check if your Arduino board is working fine.
- At this point, the software installation is complete.
Refer to the Documentation to adjust your transmitter's settings and configure your models.
Notice: If your servos are moving erratically when you set the sticks near their minimum or maximum position, enter Command mode and change variables PWL and PWH for each channel. The default values (PWL=720, PWH=2200) are beyond the standard and setting PWL=900 and PWH=2100 will fix this issue.
Page last modified on November 21, 2022, at 11:02 am
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