When testing an Arduino project, I often need some Leds, switches and potentiometers.
I have always them at hand with this hacked 170 points mini breadboard:
I soldered 2 Leds, 2 switches and a 10K potentiometer on a small piece of PCB. They all share a common ground.
After peeling the double-sided adhesive at the back of the breadboard, I soldered the PCB to the metallic strips (they are not made of copper but the solder holds anyway). I put some hot glue on the components side of the PCB to glue it to the side of the breadboard.
I covered the back of the breadboard with a piece of double-sided adhesive to hold the metallic strips in place, otherwise they would move off when components are inserted in the front side. The other side of the adhesive glues the breadboard on a piece of MDF.
Row | Connection |
1 | Gnd |
3 | Sw1 |
6 | Red Led |
9 | Pot cursor |
10 | Pot + |
13 | Green Led |
15 | Sw2 Right |
17 | Sw2 Left |